Whether you are looking to set up a single resale outlet or you are in need of increasing your efficiencies in a complex multi-level system of recovery, redistribution and recycling, we are here to take you to the next level.
In order to advance your operation, we suggest that you consider five of our basic services:
Service 1: Where We Are? (Assessment)
We will conduct a Thursday noon through Saturday noon visit to determine strengths and weaknesses of the present operation including but not limited to the People (1st), Product and Presentation. Then we’ll briefly examine the efficiencies of your Plant and Processes currently in use. We will conclude by casting a preliminary vision of your future Potential. A follow-up report will cover the specific findings and offer the first of our focused recommendations to further advance your revenues.
Service 2: Where We Are Going? (Casting & Committing to Vision)
We will host a series of five to eight sessions on a Thursday and Friday where stake holders, advisory persons and community members will review the findings in Step 1 and cast vision on our future in each of The 6Ps (mentioned above). The vision will prove to be Reasonable, Understandable, Measurable, Believable and Achievable. Saturday morning we will revisit specific operations fine tuning before our departure. This step could conclude with the inclusion of a trusted realtor who will begin the process of vetting potential sites for future relocation and/or expansion. The report from this meeting will include the first draft of a sample operating budget fitted to our vision.
Service 3: How We Are Going to Get There? (Training)
These five sessions which will include the top operating officers and employees for training in the fundamentals of resale. Sessions would begin Thursday afternoon and conclude on Saturday noon. The report on this step will include summaries on the trainees’ performance, our perception of their ‘buy-in’ to task and mission and our recommendations for their best fit in the organizational chart.
Service 4: Setting the plan in Motion? (Training, Revision & Oversight)
SydAdele, LLC will provide a solid week of leadership and continued training in the areas of Procurement, Processing, Retailing, Recycling and Reporting. The amount of time necessary will vary according to demonstrated skills and comprehension levels of the staff. On site time and costs will be negotiated accordingly as needed. The report on this step will include a schedule of operation based on income potential and workforce availability.
Service 5: Keep the plan in Motion. (Mentoring)
I will offer my personal services on retainer for a period of up to six months with 2 on-site visitations, six monthly zoom meetings and unlimited phone support.
Additional Notes:
- Fees will be negotiable according to the size of your operation.
- Fees will be discounted when packaged together
- Fees agreed upon do not include any back-office services such as duplication or operational assistance beyond that which is mentioned.
- All reports will be provided electronically to keep the costs as low as possible and in accordance with our care for the environment.
So whether you are looking for Project Management, a long term relationship, or anything in between, shoot us a email of introduction today and let’s get started.